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College Crest

Reunion events, and Annual Gatherings, provide members with a unique opportunity to reconnect with peers, rekindle old friendships, and enjoy an evening of celebration in College. These events usually take place from July to September each year and are a wonderful way to share stories of your time since graduating.

Annual Gathering tickets are £50, with an extra charge of £75 for participants wishing to stay overnight in College accommodation. Regrettably, attendees are unable to bring guests to these events.

To ensure you receive your invitation, and the latest news and information, please click here to update your contact details.

Please see below for some frequently asked questions about our reunion events.


When is my next reunion?

The scheduled reunions for 2025 are for those matriculating in 1993-1995, 1978-1980 and a 50th Anniversary gathering for those who matriculated in 1975 (in July). Those that Matriculated from 1981-1983 are invited to celebrate on Saturday 13 September.

The schedule for 2026 and beyond is currently under revision. If you wish to have an indication of when your next Annual Gathering may be, please contact

Can I bring a guest?

Regrettably, we are unable to accommodate guests at reunions. These events are very popular!

With the exception of 50th year reunions, for this special event we look forward to welcoming your guest.

Do you offer parking on-site? 

Limited parking will be available at the rear of the College which is accessible via Queen’s Road, this may be requested at registration.

Can I stay overnight in College? 

Single occupancy student rooms are available in College. These are available on a first come first served basis and can be booked during the registration process. A small charge is made for alumni wishing to stay overnight in College.

I haven’t received my invitation, what should I do?

If you’ve not received your invitation to attend, it’s possible that the contact information we have for you is out of date. Please email

I can no longer attend, what should I do?

Please let us know if you are no longer able to attend by emailing

Is there a seating plan at dinner? 

Yes, when the dinner takes place in Hall. We will make contact with you shortly before the event to ask whether there are specific members near whom you’d like to be seated. While we will do all we can to honour your seating requests, we may not be able to do so in full as this process can become very complicated with competing requests for and by different people.

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