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Offer-holders for entry in October 2025/26

Congratulations on holding an offer to study at Trinity College. We hope that you will achieve success in your exams and you will join us here to study in October. This webpage contains some information on what happens next and will be updated with freshers’ information nearer the start of the new academic year.

Terms of Admission

By accepting an offer of a place at the College, you are also accepting the Terms of Admission for Undergraduates at the University of Cambridge (“Terms of Admission”).

You are strongly advised to read the Terms of Admission carefully, as they contain important information that the University and the College are obliged to tell you about, such as: your membership of the University and the College, fees, additional costs, changes to your course, declaration about matriculation and use of computing facilities, which you will be required to agree to, complaint procedures, your conduct and ability to study, your right to cancel your place, and other matters.

You in turn are obliged to accept that you will be required to abide by the policies and rules outlined in the Terms of Admission.

Current Terms of Admission

PDF icon University of Cambridge Terms of Admission – October 2025 Entry

When will I hear from Trinity?

May/June – Emails about accommodation, disability disclosure, examination results and Financial Guarantee Declarations

Mid-August – Letter following examination results stating whether or not we are able to confirm your place

Early Sept – Communication (from our Tutorial Office) about arrangements for joining the College in October 2025

Fees and Funding

A copy of the ‘Financial Arrangements for Undergraduates’ document that was enclosed with your offer letter is available here.


Information about how to apply for accommodation will be sent out sometime in May 2025.  For any accommodation queries, please contact the Accommodation Office

Will the College still accept me if I miss the grades set in my conditional offer?

We are not usually able to offer many places to students who have missed their offers although we may do so in a few cases where we feel this is warranted. These decisions are taken when the A-level results are published and when we have a sense of the strength of the full subject entry for that year.

What happens if I miss my offer and my school applies for a re-mark?

You have to meet the terms of our offer by 31 August. If you apply for a re-mark and, as a result, show us that you have met your offer by 31 August we will still accept you. If your re-mark is successful but the result is not known to us until after 1 September then we may offer you a deferred place for entry in October 2026 (at the least). Please keep in close contact with us if you are applying for a re-mark, even if you have already been offered a place by another Cambridge College through the Inter-College Pool.

Does the College hold a waiting list or have spare places to fill in August?

The College does not hold a waiting list nor do we consider new Cambridge applicants in August.

Can I visit the College?

You are very welcome to look round the College at any time. Upon arrival at the College, just tell the porters at the Great Gate that you are an offer-holder.

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