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The following is required for each device being used on the TCDN:

  1. Every device registered on the TCDN must be able to respond to basic network connectivity checks –  ICMP Echo (ping).
  2. A unique IP address assigned and maintained by the University IP-register and managed by the Trinity College IT Office.

Unacceptable Use of the College Network:

Using the network for any activity that may reasonably be regarded as unlawful or potentially so.  This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following activities:
1. Using the network for commercial purposes (e.g. the transmission of unsolicited commercial or advertising material).
2. Installing misappropriated, unlicensed software.
3. Running private SMTP or NNTP servers without explicit authorisation from the Trinity IT Office
4. Running network discovery, monitoring or data scraping applications.
5. Port scanning (the scanning of another machine to determine which services are running).
6. Masquerading as another real or fictitious user (for example, forgery of the source of mail messages or news articles).
7. Creation or transmission, or causing the transmission, of any offensive, obscene or indecent images,  data  or  other  material,  or  any  data  capable  of  being  resolved  into  obscene  or  indecent images or material.
8. Creation or  transmission  of  material  with  the  intent  to  cause  annoyance,  inconvenience  or needless anxiety.
9. Creation or transmission of material with the intent to defraud.
10. Creation or transmission of defamatory material.
11. Creation or transmission of material such that this infringes the copyright of another person.
12. Creation  or  transmission  of  unsolicited  bulk  or  marketing  material  to  users  of  networked facilities or services, save where that material is embedded within, or is otherwise part of, a service to which the user or their User Organisation has chosen to subscribe.
13. Deliberate unauthorised access to networked facilities or services.
14. Deliberate  or  reckless  activities  having,  with  reasonable  likelihood,  any  of  the  following characteristics:

14.1. Wasting staff effort or resources, including time on end systems on another User Organisation’s network, and the effort of staff involved in the support of those systems;

14.2. Corrupting or destroying other users’ data;

14.3. Violating the privacy of other users;

14.4. Disrupting the work of other users;

14.5. Denying service to other users (for example, by overloading of access links or switching equipment, of Janet services, or of services or end systems on another User Organisation’s network);

14.6. Continuing to use an item of software or hardware after the Trinity College IT department or University Information Services (UIS) has  requested  that  use  cease  because  it  is  causing disruption to the correct functioning of the network;

14.7. Other misuse of the network, such as the introduction of “viruses” or other harmful software.

Access to Other Networks via our Network

Where the Trinity network is being used to access another network, any deliberate or persistent breach of the  acceptable  use  policy  of  that  network  will  be  regarded  as unacceptable. Any activity as described above, and where applied either to a user of that network, or to an end system attached to it, will also be regarded as unacceptable use of the network.

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