When are the next College Open Days?
There are no more official Trinity Open Days in 2024. The College will be open for the September College Visit on Friday 13 September, see below for further details.
If you are unable to attend in person, a virtual tour website is available here.
What happens at an official Trinity Open Day?
At Trinity, the programme includes a talk by the Admissions Tutor and an opportunity for you to meet members of the teaching staff in the subject or subjects that interest you. There is plenty of chance for you to ask all the questions you may have. You can also look around the College, have lunch here, and meet some of our students. Please note there is no particular dress code for the Open Days at Trinity. You are encouraged to dress comfortably.
If I visit the College, will I be able to see a student room?
Yes, a few bedrooms will be available for visitors to see at Open Days. Unfortunately we can’t arrange this at other times – students are living in them! But do take a look at the Undergraduate Accommodation page:
Do I have to book a place at an official Trinity Open Day?
Yes. Places are limited. Booking is essential and begins in February each year. An online booking form is available here. If you book a place, you will be sent further information regarding the event by email closer to the time. This information will include a programme for the day and a map and directions.
Please note: We regret that we are unable to take bookings for accompanying parents because of the limit on places available, but they are welcome to look round the College.
In addition to our College Open Days, Trinity will also be holding a variety of events on other dates; the details will be published here as soon as they become available.
If I can’t come to an Open Day, can I visit the College at another time?
If you are thinking of applying to Trinity, either as an undergraduate or postgraduate student, you are welcome to look around at any time, free of charge, but please be in touch with us on admissions@trin.cam.ac.uk at least two working days in advance to arrange a time, and we will confirm with you if this is possible. When you arrive, please show the confirmation message to the Porters’ Lodge at the Great Gate entrance.
Cambridge Open Days – Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July 2024
In conjunction with the University-wide Cambridge Open Days, Trinity College will be open for informal visits and student-led tours between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July 2024.
There is no need to book with the College to visit Trinity during the general Cambridge Open Days but booking is required for some of the University events. Please visit this website for further information.
September College Visit – Friday 13 September 2024
Trinity College will be open for informal visits and student-led tours for students in Year 12 or 13 between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Friday 13 September 2024. No booking is necessary. The following talks will be held for students in Year 13 only:
Admissions process & procedures: 10:30-11:30 and 14:00-15:00
Delivered by Dr Glen Rangwala,Director of Admissions
Student life at Trinity: 11:30-12:30 and 15:00-16:00
Frazer Room
Delivered by Ms Tessa Hutchman, Schools Liaison Officer