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TCSU shares its aims

Each member of the TCSU Committee explains their role and shares their aims. 

Committee Representatives

President, Naomi Vince, second-year Law student

My role is to represent students at University level, with Cambridge SU and within College. I want to look out for you and make sure that your College experience is the best that it can be. I hope to continue and complete TCSU projects that aim to improve facilities and welfare as well as help establish a more open atmosphere between college staff and students. I want to improve communication across all areas of college.

Vice-President, William Deacon, second-year History & Politics student

I’m the VP, which means I get to do none of the work for all of the credit. I’m here to help the rest of the committee achieve their goals and act as secretary to the President too. It’s a lot of emails, but it’s a lot of fun too!

Treasurer, Henry Wayt, second-year Economics student

I’m here to ensure the TCSU budget is spent effectively, benefiting everyone at Trinity. In addition, I’ll be working with the merchandise officer to maintain and negotiate discounts for Trinitarians at businesses around Cambridge (keep an eye out!)

Junior Steward, Kass Caldicott, second-year Law student

This year I’ll primarily be working with College to see what can be done to help students with the ongoing cost of living crisis; times are tough, and we want every student to be able to fully enjoy what Trinity has on offer regardless of their circumstances.

Environmental Representative, Ben Mays, first-year Law student

My priorities are to continue to highlight the important work that Trinity does for the environment, as well as increasing awareness of environmental issues within college. I will also be hosting two vegan Green formals over the next couple of terms, and hearing from some exciting speakers.

Entertainments Representative, James Keating, second-year Maths student

My focus this year is reviving Trinity’s Ents in a post-pandemic world: more events in the college bar, more inter-college events and an active Ents Instagram page. Let’s get things done! 

Entertainments Representative, Sophie Harper, second-year Classics student

My aim is to continue running weekly ents in the bar, as well as branching out to organise ents with other colleges – anything to give Trinity students a break from studying! 

Mental Health & Wellbeing Representative, Will Steinberg, second-year Maths student

While I’m here you can look forward to weekly donuts and cookies at welfare tea, as well as fun welfare movie nights and much more! To request sanitary or contraceptive products please fill in the anonymous contact form at and if you ever have any questions or suggestions about the physical, mental or sexual health provisions at Trinity then get in touch.

Access Representative, Harry Devlin, third-year English student

I work with College outreach to ensure a diverse array of prospective applicants are equipped to study at Trinity. Once you get here, I try and help students feel supported and informed so that students from less privileged backgrounds can thrive alongside their peers.

Trinity should be open and cater to anyone who wishes to study here. We can all learn from each other, our experiences and our differences.

International Students’ Representative, Philippa Samella, second-year Natural Sciences student

My main goal is to make international students feel at home at Trinity, and ease the transition of moving in. During term, I want to do fun socials, college swaps, and international themed formals – open to all!

During the vacations, I want to make sure that the college doesn’t feel empty if you are staying over, and I am happy to help with any questions regarding your visa. 

Racial & Ethnic Diversity Representative, Sanadi Ilandaridewa, second-year Engineering student

My job is to look after the welfare of students in the community and ensure that there is a welcoming and safe environment for all students within the College. This year, I hope to revitalize events by organising socials that celebrate different cultures.

My main aim is to improve communication between the College and students to ensure any issues are resolved. I am always happy to talk about any suggestions or concerns so please get in touch with me!

Women & Non-Binary Students’ Representative, Keziah Prescod, first-year MML student

My role centres around welfare and fostering a sense of community between the women and gender non-conforming people of Trinity. This means working to organise safety workshops, discussions with the Women’s Fellow and ensuring that communication is clear between the College and its members. If there is anything you’d like to talk about, please tell me! I’m always available for a chat if you see me around College, and I’m only an email away.

LGBT+ Students’ Representative, Emmy Charalambous, first-year Classics student

I’m here for all LGBT+ students, and work to make college a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

I will work with the college to ensure LGBT+ students at Trinity feel comfortable and respected in all aspects of college life, and host events to build a strong sense of community among the LGBT+ members of college. These events will be a mixture of socials and more educational talks and discussions around LGBTQ history and issues. I will also work with LGBT+ reps from other colleges to host swaps and mixed events to strengthen the wider university community.

Disabled Students’ Representative, Tharpa Heubner, second-year History student

I´m your Disability Officer, officially blind, and my goal is it, to be a strong voice for the needs and wishes of the disabled community at Trinity. I want to make the College a more accessible and more welcoming place to everyone. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions and wishes. I would be more than happy to help anybody out.

Committee Officers

Webmaster, Jakob Alwall, second-year Computer Science student

My job is to make sure that all the TCSU’s technology runs smoothly, and that any relevant information from both inside and outside the college reaches you students. To help with this, I’ll continue the weekly bulletin make the website more useful and informative.

Social Media Officer, Hajna Williams, second-year Linguistics student

I’m here to ensure a smooth flow of communication within the college on the most widely used social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok (or, as I prefer to call it, TrinTok).

My primary aim is to keep every member of college up- to-date on upcoming events, projects and news as well as highlighting our members’ achievements. My goal is also to get students (you guys!) more engaged in our plans of making Trinity a better place for all of us.

Merchandise Officer, Brandon Chang, first-year Natural Sciences student

My job is to negotiate the best discounts at your favourite restaurants and businesses around Cambridge. Additionally, I will be organising order windows so you can get your hands on Trinity merchandise at a discounted price!

Societies & Facilities Officer, Sean Leong, first-year Natural Sciences student

I handle the allocation of resources to societies and consolidate applications at the Amalgamated Clubs Committee every Michaelmas and Lent. If you have any questions about current societies or how to start one, drop me an email! I am also in charge of maintaining the JCR, and handle bookings for the Blue Boar Common Room.


Photo above by Graham CopeKoga.

Pictured from top left, back row: Hajna, Social Media Officer, Henry, Treasurer, Kass, Junior Steward, James, Ents Officer, Jakob, Webmaster.
Row 1: Brandon, Merchandise Officer, Ben, Environmental Officer, William, Vice President, Emmy, LGBT+ Officer, Harry, Access Officer.
Row 2: Will, Welfare Officer, Naomi, President, Sophie, Ents Officer, Sean, Societies Officer.
Row 3: Tharpa, Disabilities Officer, Keziah, Women & Non-Binary Officer, Philippa, International Officer, Sanadi, Racial & Ethnic Diversity.

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