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‘The fight against antimicrobial resistance will only be won if we all play a part’

Trinity’s student Action Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is running a conference on 19 November, featuring the Master, Dame Sally Davies, who is UK Special Envoy on AMR, other medical and public health specialists, and industry leaders. They will speak about the challenges of the fight against drug resistance and recent progress.

Martin Tam, President of Trinity AMR Action Group, said:

‘AMR is such an important issue globally and we are committed to raising awareness not only among students but the wider population. Providing information about what each and every one of us can do to reduce the spread of bacterial resistance to drugs is a vital element in this battle.’

The conference marks World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW), launched by the World Health Organization, which runs 18 – 24 November each year. Last year Trinity’s fountain and Great Gate went blue to mark WAAW.

Photo: David Rose

This year the Student Action Group has created a pandemic prevention puzzle for Year 10 students and the AMR Student Guide. Working with Trinity’s Outreach Team, these resources will be distributed to schools.

Vice-President, Angelica Akrami, said:

Antimicrobial resistance needs to be as publicly prominent an issue as climate change. By making this issue accessible to young people through the AMR Student Guide and the puzzle, we hope to spark conversations and inspire action amongst those who can make the most eventual change.

Members of the AMR Action Group, left to right: Ryan Baguley, Events Officer, Deniz Rad, Strategy Officer, Angelica Akrami, Vice-President, and Martin Tam, President.

Master of Trinity, Dame Sally Davies, said:

I am delighted that Trinity students have taken the initiative to arrange a conference and work with our Outreach Team on resources for younger students. The fight against antimicrobial resistance will only be won if we all play a part and I am committed to taking every opportunity to engage with individuals and organizations worldwide in that endeavour.

Please reserve you free place for the Trinity AMR Action Group WAAW Conference Tickets, Sat 19 Nov 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

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