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On 16 July, Blackbaud, our database provider, notified Trinity of a data security incident which may have affected your data. Blackbaud is a global supplier of relationship databases and content management systems, particularly in the higher education and charitable sector. This breach has affected many UK, US and Canadian universities and some charitable organisations.

As Trinity hosts its main alumni database itself, most of your data was stored separately on a different platform. However the system we use to communicate by email and process online event registrations, online address updates and online donations was compromised. Blackbaud assures us that usernames, passwords, credit card details and bank account information were encrypted and so they were not accessed.

We understand from Blackbaud that the following data relating to you could have been part of the breach:

• Name, date of birth, and contact details (including email address and telephone number)

• Matriculation date and subject of study

• Professional details (including job title, organisation name)

• Event attendance, guests names, guest email addresses, dietary requirements and any mobility issues that you might have informed us about on a registration form

• Donation amounts, dates and projects supported, but not payment details

• Membership of alumni associations

Blackbaud has issued a statement about how the data breach occurred and the steps the company has taken to prevent misuse of the data.

Trinity has reported the data breach to the Information Commissioner (ICO), as has Blackbaud. We have been advised by Blackbaud that you do not have to do anything further at this time. In line with best practice, it is recommended that you remain alert to any potential misuse of your data.

We are working closely with Blackbaud to ensure the security of your data going forward and will update this statement as needed.

We take the security of your data very seriously so please accept our apologies for this data breach experienced by Blackbaud. Please do feel free to contact if you have any questions or need any further information.

29 July 2020

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