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College Crest

Almost 150 alumni who came up to Trinity in 1972 & 1973 returned to College on Wednesday 19 July for their latest reunion.


The rain managed to hold of for most of the day, apart from a few showers. It was lovely to see groups of alumni walking through College, as friends bumped into one another. Despite the years apart, recognition was (almost) instantaneous for most!

Once checked in, everyone gathered under the Wren for tea and cake ahead of the College update. The panel, consisting of Fellows Dr Michael Banner (Chair of Alumni Relations & Development), Prof Catherine Barnard (Senior Tutor), and Dr Glen Rangwala (Fellow for Admissions) allowed alumni to ask their questions on recent College activities and future plans.

Evensong followed for those who wished to attend it where a Choir of alumni from 1972 & 1973 (plus a few ‘ringers’) performed expertly. Thanks to Richard Brett (1970) for coordinating and to Stephen Barlow (1972) for conducting.

Pre-dinner drinks took place in Nevile’s Court which was beautifully basked in evening sunshine. At the sound of the gong, alumni and Fellows filed into Hall for their group photograph and dinner.

At the sounding of the gong, everyone filed into Hall for dinner, where some of our Fellows and former Fellows (including Professor Moffatt FRS who was a tutor to some of our alumni attendees) joined us.


We are grateful to 1972 alumnus, James Poole, for giving the Toast to the College after dinner. James reflected on the numerous developments in science and technology since his time at Trinity, and shared memories of his time at College. James was followed by the Vice-Master, Professor John Lonsdale who thanked everyone for coming and, of course, the College’s wonderful catering team for the outstanding hospitality. The evening was rounded off with a post-dinner drink or two under the Wren, which was beautifully illuminated in technicolour.


Thank you to everyone who joined us – we look forward to seeing you again at the next one!

Olivia Butterworth
Alumni Events Assistant (25/07/23)

If anyone who attended has any comments or follow-up questions, we are always happy to receive them ( 

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