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Wren Display: Epistolae Pauli Graece et Latine (Codex Augiensis)

Epistolae Pauli Graece et Latine (Codex Augiensis)

Reichenau, c. 850-900

This manuscript is preserved in its 15th century wooden binding, and contains the letters of Saint Paul in both Greek and Latin. It is believed to have been copied in the German region (probably the monastery of Reichenau) in the 9th century; the name Codex Augiensis is derived from Augia Dives, another name for the island of Reichenau.

The text it contains is closely related to that of Codex Boernerianus, another 9th century manuscript now in Dresden, but originally from St Gall. In both manuscripts the same passages are missing, which makes it highly likely that both were copied from the same exemplar. The scribes of Augiensis and Boernerianus left spaces for these Greek omissions in their exemplar, but with no other Greek text available, these were not filled in. The manuscript is open at the beginning of the letter to the Ephesians.

B.17.1 [f.75v-76r]

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