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Living History: Lucy Sixsmith

Living History: Lucy Sixsmith

My defining moment at Trinity

My defining Trinity moment happened in 2010, when I had the honour of reading George Herbert’s ‘The Collar’ in chapel for graduation service.

I found being a Cambridge undergrad quite difficult. I had done a bit of sighing and pining, and a lot of raving and growing more fierce and wild at every word, by the time I stepped up behind the eagle to read. George Herbert’s words were precisely what my own vulnerability needed to hear at that moment.

But I was also filling the whole chapel with my reading, learning that women have authority and a voice. Reading from behind the eagle is extraordinary: powerful, but not an aggressively wrested power; something about the grace to be bold and confident and also to forgive yourself for being a young fool at times.

Maybe that was why, having left Cambridge vowing never to return, I find myself now back at Trinity again, hopefully less of a fool, but even if still a fool, mysteriously empowered, even in, even by, this strange world of baffling traditions and the weight of history.


I was an undergrad at Trinity from 2007 to 2010, reading English. I returned for an MPhil in 2016, and stayed to begin a PhD on nineteenth-century bible-reading practices and bibles as material texts.

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Living history of women at Trinity
1. Living History: Adrian Poole
2. Living History: Clare Walker Gore
3. Living History: Amanda North
4. Living History: Lynne Pepall
5. Living History: Elizabeth Huang
6. Living History: Kirsty Ross
7. Living History: Alexandra Walsham
8. Living History: Louisa Young
9. Living History: Meredith Hadfield
10. Living History: Michael Banner
11. Living History: Anna Berman
12. Living History: Parwana Fayyaz
13. Living History: Angela Leighton
14. Living History: Sonum Sumaria
15. Living History: Emily Murray
16. Living History: Janet Mathewson
17. Living History: Janet Lefroy
18. Living History: Hannah Shepherd
19. Living History: Grace Glevey
20. Living History: Catherine Suart
21. Living History: Hannah Stern
22. Living History: Lucy Sixsmith
23. Living History: Jane Boyd
24. Living History: Mireia Crispin
25. Living History: Farzana Huysman
26. Living History: Tatiana Bur
27. Living History: Kate Apley
28. Living History: Anonymous
29. Living History: Charlotte Martin
30. Living History: Sarah de Mas
31. Living History: Rebecca Fitzgerald
32. Living History: Karen Hornbuckle
33. Living History: Areeg Ashraf Emarah
34. Living History: Emily Beatty
35. Living History: Anonymous
36. Living History: Kathleen Mitchell-Fox
37. Living History: Nina Vinther
38. Living History: Charlene Tang
39. Living History: Catherine Aiken
40. Living History: Jennifer Ocran
41. Living History: Wanipa Ndhlovu
42. Living History: Caitlin Morris
43. Living History: Bianca Schor
44. Living History: Sumita Singha
45. Living History: Jenny Kumeta
46. Living History: Shirley HF Lee
47. Living History: Natalie Tchernetska
48. Living History: Jo Miles
49. Living History: Zara Josephs
50. Living History: Emma Widdis
51. Living History: Sarah Hopkin

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